Pink Arrows – CIBC Run For The Cure Oct 2 2022

“The CIBC Run for the Cure is a 5k or 1k walk or run that raises funds for the Canadian Cancer Society.” Pink Arrows: Facebook: ...
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Première institution pour sourds-muets au Canada / First Deaf Mute Institution in Canada

Allô! Première institution pour sourds-muets au Canada L’histoire raconte comment la première école pour sourds au Canada a commencé. Jacques Boudreault a quelques informations à ...
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Nova Scotia: ICF Foundation

Deaf Business Insulated Concrete Forms in Nova Scotia.
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Halifax Explosion: The Deaf Experience

The story is about how the school started and what happened at the school from the explosion. Jim McDermott and Alan Williams share with you ...
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Eternals movie with open subtitles

Eternals movie with open subtitles.
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Old Mother Tongue Premiere Events

PAH Media was invited to attend a film “Old Mother Tongue Premiere Events” and interviewed few people. “Old Mother Tongue” Facebook at
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